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appeasement policy 綏靖政策,姑息政策。

One of the lessons that can be learned from the second world war is the issues of race , religion and economy must be monitored and controlled . the europeans “ appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers . however , to monitor and control them , a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place 兩次大戰的教訓之一是,民族宗教和經濟問題必須受監控歐洲國家對非理性政權的綏靖政策,只會讓潛在危機惡化,但是監控有賴強有力的國際協調,而非以暴制暴。


One of the lessons that can be learned from the second world war is the issues of race , religion and economy must be monitored and controlled . the europeans “ appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers . however , to monitor and control them , a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place 兩次大戰的教訓之一是,民族宗教和經濟問題必須受監控歐洲國家對非理性政權的綏靖政策,只會讓潛在危機惡化,但是監控有賴強有力的國際協調,而非以暴制暴。